Caldwell, in Canyon County

Facts at a Glance

Land area: 22.85 At Incorporation (1890) Now (2020)
Population 779 59,996
Populous Ranking 15 of 77 cities 5 of 201 cities
Population Density
Sign reading 'Caldwell Idaho City Hall' showing a tract of farmland, an apple, a green leaf and a grape

Population Growth

Caldwell was incorporated as a city in 1890, with a population of 779 ( Fifteenth of 77 cities at that time and with a population density of 34.091/mi2, Caldwell has grown into the 5th most populated of 201 cities with a population of 59,996 (, giving it a population density of 2,625.645/mi2.

Income and Rurality

The state of Idaho had an overall population density of 1.071/mi2 in 1890, and 22.253/mi2 in 2020, so Caldwell has always been far from the general rurality of Idaho. Caldwell's per capita income 2017-2021 (in 2021 dollars) was $21,521 (, which compared to the state's $31,509 ( puts Caldwell's individual earnings at ~68% of Idaho's overall.